Over the past few weeks, I have talked about how I live my life with no balance, how I manage my time and how I savor ever moment. So, I thought I would give a few more ideas to how I make it work and how I push through the good times and the tough times.
It is summertime and I LOVE summer. I usually have way more time to play in the sun, spend time at our lake cottage and just ‘chill.’ This year was different. Making up for 2020 means we all must pitch in and work just a bit more – in fact, double. I am taking advantage of every moment I have to enjoy my time to dream, write, relax and just spend some quiet time with myself.
Over the summer I journal more than I do during the rest of the year. I bought myself a gift – an Erin Condren journal and planner. I just love doodling and planning for the rest of the year with a beautiful planner. Check it out @erincondren.com – you will love it.
I have always said that anything is possible, and this year my theme song has been ‘To Dream the Impossible Dream.’ I have played it every day, sang in the shower, and even wrote down the lyrics to keep myself inspired to push on. I typed them up below and I hope they motivate you as well to dream the impossible dream.
Dreaming is what we all need to do more of and then we can achieve more happiness.
Cook outside more over the next few months – there will be more than enough time to be in the kitchen.
Reach out to your old friends that you used to ‘hang out’ with at the beach when you were a teenager – share some laughs and the stories only you can share with each other.
Have flowers in your house every day.
Make it a habit to write everything down that REALLY matters.
Eat ice cream every day in the summer – who cares!
Most of all, just relax and enjoy the summer months, it will be snowing soon.